Patience - Learning from a spider!
Caroline Old has written about her recent encounter with a spider ... If you have arachnophobia, don't panic - both Caroline and the...
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My Twitter feed is full of quotes from inspirational people. Somehow those I follow manage to come up with something amazing to say most...
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Even If
I recently wrote a review of Tanya Marlow's book 'Those Who Wait' for our ACW breakfast event. The following day, a friend in my church...
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Be Still, I Know.
I often struggle to hear what God is saying to me. There are those who seem to be able to discern his leading and receive pictures or...
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Keep on keeping on
Monday 10th July is not a day that Gilles Müller and Rafael Nadal will forget in a hurry. Nadal found himself knocked out of this year's...
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You are amazing!
Something from Joyce Meyer to make you smile ...
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Loose connections?
So, how do you feel about the whole social media thing? Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, WhatsApp ... it’s a very long list. We...
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The WI Club
At the outset I need to clarify that although I am a fully paid up member of the WI Club it has absolutely nothing to do with jam or...
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